Gamma Neutral Hedging Gamma Neutral Hedging is a risk management technique that involves offsetting the risk of an options position by holding a corresponding position in the underlying asset. The goal of gamma neutral hedging is to hedge the risk of the options position while maintaining a neutral view on the direction of the underlying asset's price. Gamma is a measure of the rate of change of an option's delta, which is a measure of the option's sensitivity to changes in the price of the underlying asset. A position that is gamma neutral is one in which the total gamma of the options position is offset by an equal and opposite position in the underlying asset. For example, if an investor holds a long call option with a delta of 0.5 and a gamma of 0.2, they could gamma neutral hedge the position by shorting 50 shares of the underlying asset. This would offset the risk of the options position and leave the investor with a neutral view on the direction of the asset's price. Gamma Neutral Hedging is a useful tool for managing the risk of an options position, particularly when the investor is uncertain about the direction of the underlying asset's price. It can be used with stocks, index options, and other types of options. Related articles What is a Gamma Squeeze? Premium Harvesting Gamma Notional Call Wall How can I use the SpotGamma HIRO to help me trade?