Zero Gamma Basic Points Zero Gamma stands out as a SpotGamma level which is not support and resistance, but rather informative of the regime and climate of the market. Specifically, Zero Gamma sets the line of where negative or positive market gamma begins. Zero Gamma behaves like the eye of the storm, where feedback loops are not expected unless decently above or below it. The fact of how chain reactions are slowed unless far enough away from Zero Gamma is where the Volatility Trigger™ comes in extra handy, which is being aware of it as the edge of that calm to the bearish side. Below the trigger, we can reasonably expect elevated realized volatility, which increases the profitability odds for momentum plays, and makes pinning strategies (such as from butterflies) more difficult; a pinning strategy is a bet that the market will land in a specific narrow range. Along these lines, the Volatility Trigger™ can be interpreted as the last major support/resistance near Zero Gamma. Related articles Volatility Trigger™ Call Wall Gamma Flip Large Gamma Strike Put Wall