What does the Statistical Mode in the Volatility Dashboard Fixed Strike Matrix do? The Statistical Mode, is on by default, and shows a color gradient indicating how high or low Implied Volatility is relative to the mean of the past 60 days; this is measured by Z-score, or standard deviation from the mean Implied Volatility for each expiration. The range of Z-score values is denoted in the legend at the top of the page. If the cell is red, this color indicates lower Implied Volatility as compared to the past two months. Green on the other hand indicates higher Implied Volatility relative to the past two months. When Statistical Mode is toggled off, the color coding will change to SpotGamma teal, indicating relative volatility not based on historical pricing, but simply between strikes and expirations as of today. Darker teal indicates higher relative Implied Volatility, and lighter teal indicates lower relative Implied Volatility. Related articles What does the Compare Mode in the Volatility Dashboard Fixed Strike Matrix do? What is the Fixed Strike Matrix tab inside the Volatility Dashboard? What is the SpotGamma Volatility Dashboard? Vanna What is the Term Structure tab inside the Volatility Dashboard?