Equity Hub Trading Example: Advanced - Volatile Stocks Set to Settle Disclaimer: The below information is intended to describe hypothetical scenarios and should not be considered trading or investment advice. Condition: This strategy works best when a stock is above its Hedge Wall, near the Absolute Gamma level (within 2 pct), and within a narrow corridor between the stock’s Call Wall and Put Wall. Consider putting on an iron condor by selling a strangle with both the sold call and put 1pct above and below current price level, and buying a wider strangle Profit should extend on either side of the strangle up to 3pct away from the current strike price, with risk capped Pro tip: To check for stocks that meet the criteria for this trade, search for a stock that has high IV based on either a recent move or expected event. It may also be worth checking if the stock is flagged by the VRP Scanner, or if it has a particularly high IV Rank. Statistics: Check out SpotGamma’s Statistics on how our key levels have performed for the SPX using data from 2018 - 2024. For more information, check out our videos on using the Equity Hub to trade: SpotGamma Pro and SpotGamma Alpha subscribers can access Equity Hub™ here. Related articles Understanding Equity Hub™ Levels SpotGamma SPX Key Levels Statistics Equity Hub Trading Example: Intermediate - Key Levels as Support & Resistance Equity Hub Trading Example: Basic - Daily Changes to Put / Call Walls What is the SpotGamma HIRO Indicator?